Welcome to Waypoint 02 - Hosted by dayacht

Striking red stairs pop against the landscape, drawing the eye upwards towards this splendid structure. Standing atop bubble supports, this base features a seat for everyone, well lit by candellabra blooms. Beautiful orbs of light dot the entryway, and a nice pattern with fish can be viewed from the center.
Planet - IBrandi XV
Meet the Builder
DaYacht | PC | Glitch Builder
Greetings, Travelers!
I am the YachtMaestro (AKA TheLandYacht, AKA DaYacht).
Practically raised at the computer, got a Commodore 64 gifted to me by my Big Brother when he shipped off to College. I learned how to play such awesome games as Temple of Apshai, loading it off of a Cassette Tape drive (yes, honest to goodness audio cassettes).
I soon moved on to standing at the arcade or the local convenience store for hours on end to play whatever games took my fancy.
Of course, I was an early adopter of all the Consoles; Nintendo, Sega Genesis, etc.
But it was when the first real PC's took the shelves that I never thought of looking back. I've been playing PC games since I got my first PC way back in the stone-age of Windows 3.11.
As for No Man's Sky, I'm not an early adopter, I only found it thanks to my daughter wanting to "connect with" her aging parents & buying copies for each of us in October, 2022 (PC/Steam for me, XBox for her).
Being what some would call "obsessive", I've wracked up a bit under 1800 hours in the 9 months since I discovered NMS.
...With NO End in sight!
Outside of NMS, I'm an avid reader of most things Sci-fi & fantasy, and many Sci-fi/fantasy movie/TV series as well.
I was something akin to a DJ (and a taxi driver) for a quarter-century...so you can catch me dropping a song-reference, a lyric...or a you-tube link at the drop of a hat, mid-conversation on Discord, on which I've become very active.