The Grand Tour 2023

Stage 03 | Waypoint 16 Hosted by By darkdesign
Welcome to Waypoint 16 - Hosted by darkdesign
Live Stream & Tours

Created by Enrasilver
Larry and the Star Empire

Larry the Adventure Gek was a seasoned explorer who had spent many years traveling the galaxy on his trusty spacecraft, the Star Chaser. He had seen many incredible sights and encountered countless alien species, but there was always something new to discover.

One day, while on his Distant World Tour, Larry stumbled upon a star system that was far, far away from the usual tourist routes. As he entered the system, he noticed something strange: there were remnants of what appeared to be ancient structures scattered throughout the asteroids and planets.

Curious, Larry landed on one of the planets to investigate. As he explored, he came across a group of rebels who were hiding in the ruins of an old fortress. They told him their story: long ago, this star system had been part of a powerful galactic empire. The empire had been ruled by a cruel dictator who had oppressed the people and ruled with an iron fist.

But the rebels had fought back, and after a long and bloody war, they had succeeded in overthrowing the empire. However, the victory had come at a great cost: most of the population had been wiped out, and the rebels had been forced to flee to the edges of the galaxy to escape the empire's wrath.

Larry was fascinated by the rebels' story and decided to help them in any way he could. He offered to take them back to the heart of the galaxy to spread their message of hope and freedom to other planets that were still suffering under imperial rule.

Over the next few months, Larry and the rebels traveled to many different planets, rallying support for their cause and building a network of resistance fighters. They encountered many challenges along the way, including attacks by imperial forces and treacherous terrain, but they always managed to persevere.

Finally, after many months of travel and hard work, the rebels had amassed a large enough force to launch a full-scale assault on the empire's stronghold. Larry and the rebels led the charge, and after a fierce battle, they emerged victorious. The empire was finally defeated, and the galaxy was free from tyranny.

As Larry looked out at the stars, he felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. He had helped to change the course of history, and he knew that the rebels' legacy would live on for generations to come. With a smile on his face, he set his sights on the next adventure, knowing that the galaxy was full of wonders and mysteries just waiting to be discovered.

Planet 1 - Endor (Portal)
  • The Portal of Dagobah  | 64.66 / +61.76 | Portal Adjacent
Planet 2 - Death Star II
  • Freighter Killer Base  | -35.18 / -38.91
Planet 3 - Naboo
  • Planet Shield Generator  | -83.69 / +174.27
Planet 4 - Jakku
  • Niima Outpost Junkyard  | -5.91 / +154.95



Meet the Builder

darkdesign | PC | Glitch Builder

Hi my name is Rick, 39 years young. Born and living in the Netherlands. Detailing Exclusive Cars as a Job. And when I am home I'm relaxing and enjoying playing games or watching movies with my GF

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Available upgrades

Suspicious Blaze Javelin
Suspicious Geology Cannon
Suspicious Hazard Protection
Suspicious Hyperdrive
Suspicious Infra-Knife
Suspicious Launch Thrusters
Suspicious Movement
Suspicious Phase Beam
Suspicious Plasma Launcher
Suspicious Positron
Suspicious Pulse Spitter
Suspicious Shield
Suspicious Starship Shield

Larry The Adventure Gek
By ChatGPT
#nomanssky #larrytheadventuregek
  • Stay tunedFollow the waypoints and continue Larry's epic adventure across the universe!