As Larry the Adventure Gek continued on his Distant World Tour, he received an unexpected message from the galactic council. They had received a distress signal from an underwater research facility located on an ocean world in a distant galaxy.
Without hesitation, Larry set a course for the planet and soon found himself floating above the vast ocean. As he made his descent towards the planet's surface, he couldn't help but be awed by the incredible colors of the coral reefs below.
As he landed his ship on a nearby island, he was greeted by a team of researchers who had been eagerly awaiting his arrival. They explained that their underwater facility had been experiencing a series of strange power outages and they couldn't determine the cause.
Larry immediately volunteered to assist and, after donning a specialized underwater suit, he made his way to the facility. As he descended deeper into the ocean, he was amazed by the incredible diversity of marine life surrounding him.
Finally, he arrived at the facility and began his investigation. After several hours of careful analysis, he discovered that the power outages were being caused by a massive creature that was feeding on the energy being generated by the facility's power source.
Determined to save the facility and its inhabitants, Larry quickly developed a plan. With the help of the researchers, he created a diversion that lured the creature away from the facility's power source, allowing them to repair the damage and restore power.
As a token of their gratitude, the researchers invited Larry to join them on a dive to explore the ocean's depths. Over the next few days, Larry had the opportunity to witness some of the most incredible sights he had ever seen, including schools of luminescent fish, towering underwater volcanoes, and even a sunken alien spacecraft.
Finally, it was time for Larry to continue on his Distant World Tour. As he said goodbye to the researchers and their underwater world, he couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at the incredible diversity and beauty of the universe.
Meet the Builder
loki | PS4 | Glitch Builder
A builder in No Man's Sky that had an idea to build the most epic water base... The first one was three rings that linked up from the surface landing pads right to the bottom of the water body. Under the base was a cave system that I had set out a tour through which brought players to the deepest water in the game.. 118u. The base was toured by Beeblebum on his first monthly base tour stream.. and the rest is history.
I have built several water bases since. Each base has a unique theme, whether from making 4 rings off center interact so one can pass through having an inverted experience under water to my latest, having the sensation of being in a basic structure and not swimming through.. I make my bases to be experienced especially by VR players.