The Grand Tour 2024 - Phase Three
The Grand Tour 2024

Phase 3

March 30th to APRIL 12th

Galaxies 9    Builders 87+    Bases 95+
Expedition Details
The Grand Tour

The Grand Tour 2024 brings you to all the must-sees. This expedition offers a blend of otherworldly ice, dunes, beaches, and both vibrant and terrifying vistas across the entire No Man's Sky universe. You'll be treated to the most amazing base designs and have a chance to meet the Builders behind these epic creations. Whether you're a builder, and explorer, ship hunter, pet tamer or simply ready for your next adventure the Grand Tour 2024 has something for everyone.

The expedition will unlock a new phase each week for six (6) consecutive weeks. Each phase of the journey has a slightly different perspective and will have an abundance of sights and experiences for you to enjoy.

Travel At Your Own Pace

This expedition is self-guided. You are free to travel at any pace you prefer. The destinations are arranged along an itinerary but you are free to visit them in any order you choose. All previous phases of the tour will remain open as we progressively unlock new phases. It's a journey, not a destination. Take your time and enjoy the ride!

After Party System Address

Towards the end of the Grand Tour, you are invited to participate in an open-system invitational build. Available to all who take the tour. Advanced building skills are not required. Make your mark and add your owen creations to the exedition route for all to share.

After Party Early Access Scavenger Hunt

We have provided clues spread throughout the first three (3) phases which give you early access to the After Party system address. Check the itineraries for Phases 1, 2 and 3 for the location of the early access clues. You will need to solve base puzzles along the way.

Now It's A Party!

Join us in our Discord expedition channels and hang out with everyone as we travel the cosmos. Meet the Builders of these astoundingly creative bases. Post base visit selfies to the selfie wall. Follow along on the intergalactic Pub Crawl. Meet new people and make new friends along the way!

Phase 3 Overview

  •     Intergalactic Exploration
  •     Base Touring
  •     Wildlife taming
  •     Gathering Collectibles
  •     Puzzles & Games
  •     Scavenger Hunt

  •     001 - Euclid
  •     010 - Eissentam
  •     019 - Isdoraijung
  •     030 - Sudzerbal
  •     059 - Ploehrliou
  •     119 - Torweierf
  •     170 - Esdaranit
  •     190 - Cugnatachh
  •     256 - Odylutai

  •     Live Streams
  •     Live chats & hangouts
  •     Movie Nights
  •     Selfie walls
  •     Make New Friends

Join us
Phase 3 Itinerary Phase 3 Itinerary
March 30th - APRIL 5th
“Every industrial revolution brings along a learning revolution.”
~ Alexander De Croo
Euclid    AGT 6th anniversary (2023)    Hosted by Alliance of Galactic Travelers 5070F3545C3E Builders 19    Bases 19
Euclid    Hourglass Site (+67 additional bases)    +10.01, -145.67 3119F09572F6 Created by Moose085(+67 additional builders)
Euclid    Ancient A.I. Super Computer    + a peek at two additional (off planet) builds coming up in Phase 5. 601D00932ED4 Created by CrisCrosAplSos
Eissentam    NMH Capital Collaboration    Hosted by No Man's High 30E10034C495 Builders 18    Bases 18
Euclid    Steampunkalia    Collaborative Build System    Hosted by Rich Schmitt 6160066D7142 Builders 9    Bases 11
Euclid    Mobile Suit Army    -56.38,-157.83 208C03E6660F Created by RoRaRoRo
Euclid    New Heart    +6.21, +34.14 11F5FA004FFC Created by Wolf_Heart78
Euclid    Space Gex    +6.21, +34.14 606DF1D1EFD4 Created by the_achilies_91
Eissentam    Eisvana Halloween    Collaborative Build System    Hosted by Eisvana 101AA21107FF Builders 2    Bases 2
Nepitzaspru -250    Aracs    -10.33, -50.66 20E7FD2C4984 Created by Legio-Nario
Euclid    Queen Arachnia: The Glass Spider 617AF9EDA94D Created by Dashboard Devil
Eissentam -10    FoNzis 1,000,000,000 Units Activ. Indium Farm    -2.10, +44.45 314AF83EDB7E Created by Fonzi_DeSoule
Euclid    Great Disconnection    Collaborative Build System    Hosted by NMChamber 5007DDC9A16C Builders 5    Bases 9
118 Euclid    Waypoint System102802F1C951 Solve the base puzzle for the final After Party address clue (3 of 3)The Old Town Capes    +53.48, +121.36hosted by
Euclid    AGT Anniversary System5070F3545C3E Collaborative Build SystemBuilders 7    Bases 19hosted by Alliance of Galactic Travelers
119 AGT Anniversary System    POI Anvil Tower AmduCreated by moose 085
120 AGT Anniversary System    POI AGT Jumpgate AmduCreated by t35seract
121 AGT Anniversary System    POI Viva la AGT Askata PrimeCreated by bionicheart70
122 AGT Anniversary System    POI Viva AGT Lookout Askata PrimeCreated by scourge_thee
123 AGT Anniversary System    POI aegion-nawar Askata PrimeCreated by unknown
124 AGT Anniversary System    POI AGT 6th Birthday Portal JonaCreated by foobadoop
125 AGT Anniversary System    POI AGT -out-atmosphere bar JonaCreated by josetepro98
126 AGT Anniversary System    POI igtf - AGT Memorial Castle JonaCreated by bufalo04
127 AGT Anniversary System    POI AGT's 6th JonaCreated by oger_magi
128 AGT Anniversary System    POI AGT Home Base JonaCreated by zipboy34
129 AGT Anniversary System    POI CG yihelli valley resort JonaCreated by celab99
130 AGT Anniversary System    POI Patholas' Anniversary Treehouse JonaCreated by Patholas86
131 AGT Anniversary System    POI AGT Party Palace 6 JonaCreated by Mr Hoyle
132 AGT Anniversary System    POI AGT Anniversary Tower JonaCreated by Mr Wilson
133 AGT Anniversary System    POI Utopia Bar & Grill JonaCreated by jonnyvgood
134 AGT Anniversary System    POI Darkshadow's Anniversary nipnip farm JonaCreated by darkshadow04
135 AGT Anniversary System    POI AGT Anniv. Announcement Overlook JonaCreated by rulyon
136 AGT Anniversary System    POI AGT's 6th B-Daze! JonaCreated by j_slaxx
137 AGT Anniversary System    POI AG Monolito_kensou_AGT 6 Anniversary JonaCreated by Kensou90210
138 Euclid    Collaborative System3119F09572F6 Hourglass Site (+67 bases) Nizona    +10.01, -145.67Created by Moose 085 (+67 Builders)
139 Euclid    POI101D00932ED4 Ancient A.I. Super Computer Lafordene Abar    +11.93, -11.06Created by CrisCrosAplSos
Eissentam -10    NMH Community Capital30E10034C495 Collaborative Build SystemBuilders 19    Bases 19Hosted by No Man's High
141 NMH Community Capital    POI Balarian Shipyard WhitewalkerCreated by Livinloudd
142 NMH Community Capital    POI Keep On The Rock WhitewalkerCreated by cha0ticw33v1l
143 NMH Community Capital    POI Glow Garden WhitewalkerCreated by gashopper
144 NMH Community Capital    POI NMH Always Lit & Lifted 704 WhitewalkerCreated by im704
145 NMH Community Capital    POI OSXVIII #322ds *lease expired* WhitewalkerCreated by barondupuytren
146 NMH Community Capital    POI Umbra Gallery WhitewalkerCreated by AstralCryptid
147 NMH Community Capital    POI Palafox-cobaltrig WhitewalkerCreated by thhaystacks
148 NMH Community Capital    POI Fauna Research WhitewalkerCreated by SpareParts
149 NMH Community Capital    POI White Walker Bunker WhitewalkerCreated by rippytherazer
150 NMH Community Capital    POI main base WhitewalkerCreated by TF2 Annoyances
151 NMH Community Capital    POI Chronic Outpost Maui WowieCreated by Fry420x
152 NMH Community Capital    POI Wanderer Maui WowieCreated by livinloudd
153 NMH Community Capital    POI Maui Grotto Pinwheels Maui WowieCreated by Dashboard Devil
154 NMH Community Capital    POI Tegridy Secret Grow OP Maui WowieCreated by Bohemian
155 NMH Community Capital    POI Smuggler's Archive (NMS EISCAP) Maui WowieCreated by dedparot
156 NMH Community Capital    POI Morden's Lab of Goodies Durban Poison XIIICreated by mr morden9133
157 NMH Community Capital    POI The Dark Church Shellfire OGCreated by thegoldenburrito
158 Euclid    Builder Profile60838380D801 The Cube Lexington Delta    -34.36; -137.18Created by suppenralle
159 Euclid    Builder Profile316801009003 Area 42 Magrathea    -7.63, +63.34Created by suppenralle
Euclid    Collaborative System Build6160066D7142 SteampunkaliaBuilders 9    Bases 11Hosted by Rich Schmitt
Attention: This location contains a build by an individual who has been repeatedly banned from builder communities for the theft of base files (via save edits). We will not list this person's build and we ask that you not stream their build with any DWT branding on the video. Please contact tour staff for more details.
161 Steampunkalia    Collaboration Preposterous Steamfowl    Blender Build Steampunkalia    -8.39, -79.97Created by Voldrang
162 Steampunkalia    Collaboration Steamtown Steampunkalia    +15.22, +77.12Created by Randyd1967
163 Steampunkalia    Collaboration Ulysses S. Grant Armoured train Steampunkalia    +58.48, +21.82Created by mr_phishead
164 Steampunkalia    Collaboration Steam Punk'd    Blender Build SteampunkaliaCreated by j_slaxx
165 Steampunkalia    Collaboration Airship Arboretum Steampunkalia    -68.36, +21.37Created by Bionicheart70
166 Steampunkalia    Collaboration Steampunk Spider Steampunkalia    +58.60, +61.50Created by ERBurroughs
167 Steampunkalia    Collaboration Steam Powered Archive Steampunkalia    -69.75, +23.45Created by nmsa-cpt-steve
168 Steampunkalia    Collaboration DWT Starchaser (orbital) Steampunkalia    -57.16, -78.98Created by t35seract
169 Steampunkalia    Collaboration The Orrery Neo VictoriaCreated by Tosk777
170 Steampunkalia    Collaboration Steampunk Solar mill Dwermer    -55.70, +115.44Created by Bionicheart70
171 Steampunkalia    Collaboration Steampunk Power Plant and Refinery Dwermer    +15.24, +77.10Created by mr_phishead
172 Euclid    Builder Profile20BB006EBF36 The Derelict Facility Valaran Prime (ET-008Y)    -21.65, +71.41Created by kellz_503
173 Euclid    Builder Profile31DB0AF346C2 The Overgrown Ruins (Gek Ruins) Khar Shian (AR-001Z)    -25.83, 54.90Created by kellz_503
174 Euclid    Builder Profile30CF00A44C2F The Helios Station Vasphir Prime (ET-008X)    -23.94, -5.91Created by kellz_503
175 Euclid    POI208C03E6660F Mobile Suit Army AG Polaris Beta    -56.38,-157.83Created by RoRaRoRo
176 Euclid    Awesthe System    Builder Profile41A1F8EDC94C Mets Megamachine V2 Uehilip U49    +34.38, -124.92Created by Metal1on181
177 Awesthe System    POI Mets Megamachine V1 Shih 78/F3Created by Metal1on181
178 Euclid    POI11F5FA004FFC wall-eCreated by wolf_heart
179 Euclid    Builder Profile606DF1D1EFD4 Space Gex Prometheus 16/4    -0.27, -54.77Created by The_Achilles_91
180 Euclid    Builder Profile407705E6996D Thalassophile Dionysos    -0.27, -54.77Created by The_Achilles_91
181 Euclid    ouveros-nohu VI    Builder Profile50AB0BF366C2 Radio Astronomy Algi XVI    -7.22, +34.00Created by ERBurroughs
182 ouveros-nohu VI System    POI Omega Directive Algi XVICreated by ERBurroughs
183 Euclid    EV5-1A Triurobori    Builder Profile512C016E9F35 Stellar Nursery gaydiadum    -2.87, -46.15Created by ERBurroughs
Eissentam    Eisvana Community Hub101AA21107FF Collaborative Build SystemBuilders 2    Bases 2hosted by Eisvana
185 Eisvana Community Hub    POI BatBar ItwoodCreated by Lianeras
186 Eisvana Community Hub    POI The Dig Itwood    +8.92, +37.84Created by Lunivore
187 Nepitzaspru -250    POI20E7FD2C4984 Aracs Erquaota-Amba    -10.33, -50.66Created by Legio-Nario
188 Euclid    POI617AF9EDA94D Queen Arachnia: The Glass Spider Pink Fire NationCreated by Dashboard Devil
189 Euclid    Builder Profile405505273677 Glitch Refinery & Trade Outpost    find the hidden nipnip factory (+27 addl. bases) Alnwickiw U48    +26.99, +48.53Created by T3553ract
190 Euclid    Builder Profile315605273677 Steampunk Nostromo 179k Gold drill rig (+1 addl. base) Ocopi Gamma    -34.51, -111.53Created by t35seract
191 Eissentam -10    Resource POI314AF83EDB7E FoNzls 1,000,000,000 Units Activ. Indium Farm Meworksevi Gamma    -2.10, +44.45Created by Fonzi_DeSoule
Euclid    Collaborative Build System5007DDC9A16C Great DisconnectionBuilders 5    Bases 9hosted by NMChamber
193 Great Disconnection    POI First Spawn's Kamp Korvax New BalaronCreated by NMChamber2
194 Great Disconnection    POI Transport Hub: Free Vacations start here! New BalaronCreated by creatronz01
195 Great Disconnection    POI Titan worm scavenger's camp New BalaronCreated by chr1s_c17y
196 Great Disconnection    POI The Wizard of Balaron BalaronCreated by NMChamber
197 Great Disconnection    POI Merciful Processing Center BalaronCreated by Skeleton Worrier
198 Great Disconnection    POI Vy'Keen Poetry Amphitheatre Dryn'darghCreated by Skeleton Worrier
199 Great Disconnection    POI A Vy'keen Funeral Dryn'darghCreated by nmchamber
200 Great Disconnection    POI Convergence Korvax PrimeCreated by nmchamber

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